Annyeong guys, karena kemarin aku udah ngepost tentang anak-anak
cewek a.k.a Ulzzang kids girl yang cantik and kiwoyo. Sekarang aku mau
ngepost tentang Ulzzang kids boy yang masih kecil tapi gantengnya udah
to the max, cute bangeeet >o< Kalo ngeliat mereka rasanya pengen
kuculik masukin kresek terus bawa pulang buat dijadiin adek dirumah
((derita gak punya adek T__T))
Oke here guys "10 Best Ulzzang Kids : Boys"
❤ Name : Leo William Recipon
❤ Korean Name: Shin Eunsoo
❤ DOB : September 7th, 2008
❤ Dad : French
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Sibling : One younger brother Recipon Enzo
❤ Twitter :
Oke here guys "10 Best Ulzzang Kids : Boys"
1) Recipon Leo
❤ Name : Leo William Recipon
❤ Korean Name: Shin Eunsoo
❤ DOB : September 7th, 2008
❤ Dad : French
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Sibling : One younger brother Recipon Enzo
❤ Twitter :
Leo with Enzo
2) Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle
❤ Name : Daniel hyunoo Lachapelle (Danny)
❤ Korean Name: 대니얼 현우 라샤 펠
❤ Birthday : July 2nd, 2006
❤ Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
❤ Dad : American
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Languages : English, Korean
❤ Name : Mason Moon Moorhouse
❤ Korean Name: 문 메이슨
❤ DOB : March 21, 2007
❤ Blood Type : O
❤ Location : Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (성남시 수정구)
❤ Dad : James Moorhouse (Canadian)
❤ Mom : Miwon Moon (Korean)
❤ Sibling : Two Younger brothers Mavin Moon and Maden Moon
❤ Twitter :
4) Maden Moon
❤ Name : Maden Moon Moorhouse
❤ Korean Name: 문메이든
❤ DOB : December 18, 2009
❤ Location : Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (성남시 수정구)
❤ Dad : James Moorhouse (Canadian)
❤ Mom : Miwon Moon (Korean)
❤ Sibling : Two elder brothers Mason Moon and Mavin Moon
5) Recipon Enzo
❤ Name : Enzo William Recipon
❤ Korean Name : 레시퐁 엔조(Recipon Enzo) / 신은현(Shin EunHyun)
❤ DOB : December 12th, 2011
❤ Dad : French
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Sibling : One elder brother Recipon Leo
6) Lincoln
❤ Name : Lincoln Paul Lambert
❤ Korean Name: Jung Linconl
❤ DOB : 2007.10.01
❤ Dad : American
❤ Mom : Korean
7) Kane Dennis
❤ English Name: Kane Dennis
❤ Korean Name: 케인 데니스
❤ Chinese name : 丹尼斯凱恩
❤ Korean Name: 케인 데니스
❤ Chinese name : 丹尼斯凱恩
❤ Nationality:Korea
❤ Date of Birth: 2007.02.06
❤ Dad : Australian
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Mom : Korean
❤ Home Address: South Korea - Gyeonggi - Bucheon

8) Cooper Lunde
❤ Name : Cooper JiAn Lunde
❤ Korean Name: 쿠퍼 지안 런드
❤ Korean Name: 쿠퍼 지안 런드
❤ DOB : February 1, 2013 at 2:35 PM KST
❤ Place of birth: Seoul
❤ Family: Father(Canadian) & Mother (Korean) & Lauren & Cooper
❤ Languages : English, Korean
❤ Siblings : One elder sister (Lauren Hanna Lunde)
❤ Place of birth: Seoul
❤ Family: Father(Canadian) & Mother (Korean) & Lauren & Cooper
❤ Languages : English, Korean
❤ Siblings : One elder sister (Lauren Hanna Lunde)
Baby Cooper with his sister Lauren

9) Mavin Moon
❤ Name : Mavin Moon Moorhouse
❤ Korean Name: 문메이빈
❤ DOB : December 17, 2008
❤ Location : Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (성남시 수정구)
❤ Dad : James Moorhouse (Canadian)
❤ Dad : James Moorhouse (Canadian)
❤ Mom : Miwon Moon (Korean)
❤ Sibling : One elder brother Mason Moon and One younger brother Maden Moon

10) Julian
❤ Name : Julian Baumgarten
❤ Korean Name: Seo Se Jong
❤ Birthday : May 28th, 2007
❤ Dad : German
❤ Mom : Korean
13 Desember 2016 pukul 05.21
hi I list all handsome kid in this world I fb name adam seolev stay in Makassar father in korea mother in Indonesia Tolon yes I beg list once wrote